Sunday Gatherings

Event details

  • January 19, 2025
  • 9:30 am - 11:30 am
  • 3613 Bechelli Lane Redding, CA
  • 5303561227

Sunday Morning Gatherings: Please Join Us for

Taizé & Conscious Conversations

We offer two back-to-back services each Sunday morning. Taizé begins at 9:30 and lasts for forty to forty-five minutes. After a short bio-break and/or coffee refill, a Conscious Conversation begins at 10:30. Both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation will follow the same theme. In fact, we are preparing it as a single service, with a mellow, contemplative beginning part and a more lively, interactive second half, with a short break in the middle. We will conclude between 11:15 and 11:30 am, and adjourn to Suite H for food, fun, and fellowship!

The Taizé portion of our morning will focus our attention inward, featuring chanting, prayer, meditation, music, and a contemplative message. The Conscious Conversation segment will include more energetic music, celebration, and an interactive message that invites dialogue and exploration, and allows us to explore our spirituality together. We invite you to attend either or both of these services, as we explore our spiritual path together.

Our Beloved Community comes together every Sunday at 9:30 am at the Gathering Place, 3613 Bechelli Lane, Redding, California, and online via Zoom and Facebook Live.  Join in each Sunday, either in person or online.

February Theme


Join us every Sunday… bring a friend!

We have plenty of love to go ‘round.

Each week we share a time of Meditation, Prayer, Conversation, and Fellowship. Come as you are! Bring a Friend! You’ll be glad you did.

  • February 2 – From Love to Service
  • February 9 – From Faith to Surrender
  • February 16 – From Dream to Action   (music by Dalton Fitzgerald)
  • February 23 – (Lucinda Alton, RScP)

There are always new opportunities for growth, Service, and sharing in Beloved Community at Mystic Heart. Check our website,, for upcoming events. And if you like what we’re up to, be sure to spread the word.

When: Sunday Mornings
Time: Taizé – 9:30 am; Conscious Conversation – 10:30 am
Where: The Gathering Place, 3906 Bechelli Lane, Suite I, Redding, CA  96002
Zoom link:

Junior Mystics Program

We now feature one Family Sunday per month – usually on the first Sunday – when we provide child care and education during both Taizé and our Conscious Conversation. For the other Sundays we set up a quiet room in the Social Hall, where parents can take their children when they are not up to sitting quietly in Taizé. The ZoomCast of the service will be playing on the TV, so parents won’t miss it! Children are welcome in the Sanctuary during the Conscious Conversation portion of our Sunday Gathering.

February’s Family Sunday will be on the second Sunday, February 9th.

This children’s program allows kids to participate in a variety of activities that deepen their understanding of their connection to Spirit and to their world. Junior Mystics participate in age appropriate activities for infants to 4-year-olds and spiritual programs for 5 to 12-year-olds. Please submit the form below if your children will be attending on our next Family Sunday, so that we will be sure to have plenty of age-appropriate activities and materials for them.

Please fill out the RSVP form below if you plan to bring your child(ren) for Family Sunday.

Junior Mystics RSVP
Yes, we want to make our Junior Mystics reservations for the next Family Sunday! Here is our information:
Please set your cell phone to vibrate during the service, in case we need to text you about your child.
Selected Value: 1
Please let us know how many kids to expect, so that we can ensure appropriate staffing.
Please let us know the age of each child you will be bringing so that we have age-appropriate materials for them.
Please let us know any other important information to help us care for your children, specifically, food allergies, sensitivities, special needs, etc. The more we know about your children, the better we can serve them!