Coming Home

Coming Home

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Rev. Diana Johnson, with Lucinda Alton, RScP, and Chris Johnson, RScP.

Video Chapter Index

0:00 Taizé Clicking on a chapter link will play the segment in a new YouTube tab. Your link to this page will remain open in this tab, but the video will play in the new window. Clicking on the Play arrow in the video screen above will play both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation on this page. To make the picture bigger, you may click the full screen icon in the lower right corner: View Fullscreen To cast the video to your Smart TV, click the Play on TV button: Cast to TV. Also, we now have Closed Captioning available! To access Closed Captions, start the video and click on the CC icon next to the gear in the lower right of the video screen: View Captions
23:04 Guided Meditation
45:39 Conscious Conversation


Call to Awareness – 3 Bells

Lucinda – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Welcome…if you’re new with us here this morning… my name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I am the Pastor and Spiritual Director of Mystical Heart Spiritual Center. We are an Interfaith Community that teaches Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality. This morning we center our reflections on Coming Home…may you come to know this Community and choose it as your Spiritual Home. And may you Come Home to  the Guidance and Wisdom of your own Mystic Heart.

We begin our meditative journey this morning by joining our voices, deepening our intimate Connection in Spirit.

Rev. Diana & Chris – Taizé Chants

  • Welcome Home to Your Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • A Blessing to the World, written by Rev. David Bruner & Karen Drucker

Rev. DianaMoving more deeply into our meditation, we make a Conscious Connection with the Global Community, gently allowing the eyes to close, and taking a couple of deep breaths…as you continue to ground yourself, imagine the breath dissolving any distracting thoughts…moving the energy of the mind down into the heart…you may want to place your hands on your heart and breathe, connecting with your heartbeat…Imagine that your heart is beating with the pulsing energy of the One Life, beating in tandem with the Heart of the Mother…with the Heart of the Father…with the Infinite Intelligence back of everything…and now imagine that your heart is beating with the hearts of all beings…human, other-than-human…and that all of creation is pulsing with this same Life…acknowledging the global web of consciousness that is created as we feel ourselves united by the pulse of Life Itself…sensing the Radiant Light of Spirit that shimmers through all of it.

We feel and know our oneness with All That Is…and we acknowledge our responsibility to one another as human family, and as caretakers of this beautiful and life-giving planet. With every breath, and in every moment, we turn once again to New Beginnings, and to Coming Home to the Truth of our being…Coming Home to Spirit.

This Transformational Journey that we are on requires us to make room for the full range of human experiences…to create space for opposites and for paradox…to sometimes let go of our attachment to everything we think we know…to embrace the unknown…and to be willing in every moment to begin again. It invites us to open ourselves to exploration, trusting that as we traverse new circumstances, our True Home lives inside of us…we are never far from Home.

Ultimately, we all long for Home. The archetypal story The Wizard of Oz invited us to remember that the power to go home is always with us. And yet, what if there was nowhere we needed to go to be at Home? What would it be like to move through the world, through your life, and no matter where you found yourself, to recognize yourself as fully at Home?

What are the qualities of Home? Ideally, Home is a place of safety… comfort…peace…a place where we are loved and respected…where we can be fully and authentically ourselves…where we can replenish our energy and prepare ourselves to interact with the world.

We believe in one Living Universal Presence…one Essence, one Substance, one Process, that expresses as all of creation…and when we align our thoughts, words, and actions with that Presence, it is like going Home. We find Peace and Comfort…we know Love and Belonging…because our Spiritual Nature is our Native State. And the Divine Impulse at the heart of all things will not rest until we have returned.

In the words of St. Augustine: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

And yet this journey of transformation that leads us back to the Truth of who and Whose we are is not for the faint of heart. The poet Rumi says that it is not for “brittle, easily-broken, glass-bottle people.” This path is for those who are courageous enough to re-write their stories…to face the untruths they have been living, and living with, in service of discovering the deepest kind of Truth.

We have just come out of the winter…a time for being still, for rooting ourselves in contemplation and reflection, for becoming better acquainted with ourselves and finding nourishment for body, mind and soul. Now, as we move into the springtime, we allow ourselves to be Guided in planting new seeds, in setting new intentions, writing new stories, and finding new ways to offer our gifts to the world. In the words of Tagore, “Now it is time to sit quiet alone with You and to Sing a re-dedication of my life in this Silent and overflowing joy.”

These words call us to sit in silence in the Presence of God, the Source, and the ground of Love, and to re-dedicate ourselves to the spiritual path… to rediscover what we already know most deeply within ourselves. This is a kind of Coming Home.

Musical Meditation – Always Home, written & performed by Steven Walters

What beautiful poetry…and deep Truth.

Maybe we have wandered into this labyrinth of illusion so that we can end all doubt, and erase any confusion…and find within our minds what our hearts have always known…that there’s always, always Home.

Wandering, falling, dreaming, waking…it’s so worth the Coming Home. Each face reflecting one Truth, each voice needed for the song, (sing along). There’s always home, there’s always Home.

For every soul the road has wandered, through so many lives it winds; till slowly we begin to see the dance we do in time. In a moment of Grace we wake and find that Truth was always known…and there’s always Home, there’s always Home.

Chris – Guided Meditation

We have referred to this journey of transformation – this Pilgrimage – as a hero’s journey… The hero’s journey is always a cycle… a round trip… it culminates with a homecoming…

At the first threshold we leave the familiar world behind… we cross over into the Unknown… We encounter allies, mentors, and Divine Assistance… as well as challenges and tests of our faith…

It is at the outermost point in our adventure that we encounter our most crucial ordeal… we face our greatest fears… Our old way of being dies… and we are reborn… resurrected…

We have slain the dragon… destroyed the Death Star… and we have obtained  the reward… a boon… a blessing… But this boon is not for us alone… We must return home to share this healing elixir…

So we cross the final threshold… the return to our familiar world… We share the blessing we have attained, transforming our world… Our spiritual gifts are distributed among our community… because that is what they are for…

We are called to the Spiritual Path… this hero’s journey… this Pilgrimage… to introduce into the world that which it needs… The blessing we have strived for was never for us alone…

As we commune together in the Sacred Silence, let us contemplate the Gifts of Spirit we have received… What have we done with them?… Are we dedicating our blessing to the creation of a Love-Soaked World?…

Silence – 3:00

We have returned home again… we have shared our gifts… We and our community are transformed… more compassionate… more loving… Now what?…

A part of us wants to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our efforts… But we are called to the next cycle of our journey… Our Pilgrimage is not over…

The Spiritual Path has no end… We can never fully embody the Infinitude of the Divine… Spirit calls… So we embark on our next adventure…

In gratitude for the Gifts of Spirit we already have, and for those yet to come, we take heart… empowered to continue our Pilgrimage…

And we give thanks for Rev. Diana’s guidance and encouragement through it all… and for the Grace and Joy of Coming Home

Rev.  Diana

As we walk more and more closely with Spirit’s Wisdom, allowing Her Truth to guide our lives, we begin to see Life as a gift…a blessing…freely given, for our growth, our joy and delight. It is as if we are being invited… “Drink freely of the life you have been given.” Don’t hold back…receive all that is being offered. Don’t allow the voices of criticism and judgment to hold you back from fully receiving the fullness of Spirit, and from the deep call of your heart. When you do, you are rejecting the generous Love of God.

It is amazing how hard we work to keep ourselves from freedom…I am forever baffled by how hard it seems to live a life of not holding ourselves back from God.

From author Christine Valters Paintner: “Drink freely of the life you have been given…meaning the one, brilliant, beautiful, and unique experience of being me in this moment of time.” She bids us  “savor the inner landscape of our lives…recognize that we are here to experience the fullness of ourselves in ache and in joy. We are to welcome in the entirety of our person…” Body, mind, emotional body, spirit…perhaps beyond this lifetime…the soul’s journey – past, present, and future. This is beyond merely accepting it all…it is trusting that your journey is perfect in all of its imperfection, it is uniquely yours and it is a gift. Welcome in all of it…This is what life is for…This is what Coming Home is all about.

Taizé Closing Prayer – We close our meditation this morning with a prayer of gratitude from Don Miguel Ruiz of the Toltec tradition:

Today, Creator of the Universe, my heart is filled with gratitude for the gift of life you have given me. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind. Today, Lord, I want to express my gratitude for everything I have received from you.

I know the way to say thank you for life is by fully enjoying every moment of my life. And the only way to enjoy every moment is to love. Today I will express all the love and happiness that exist in my heart. I will love your creations, I will love myself, and I will love the people who live with me. I know that life is too short to waste in misery and drama with the people I love. I will enjoy the presence of the people I love, respecting their choices in life as I respect my own.

Today, I will graciously receive your gifts by enjoying your gifts, by enjoying the beauty of all your creation. Help me to be as generous as you are, to share what I have with generosity, just as you share your gifts so generously with me. Help me to become a master of gratitude, generosity, and love so that I can enjoy all of your creations.

Today, Lord, help me to manifest my creation as you manifest the Universe, to express the beauty of my spirit in the supreme art of the human: the art of dreaming my life. Today, Lord, I give you all of my gratitude and love because you have given me life.

And so it is…Amen…Sathu…Ashay…Aho!

Coming back into this space, we open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds.  Take a look at who is here celebrating with you this morning. This is your Spiritual Family…one of your support systems. These are some of the people who care about you.

Rev. Diana – Offertory

As we close our Taizé Meditation, we offer the opportunity for you to share of your financial good in support of the work we do should you choose to do so.

If you’re joining us online, you can find a Donate Button and our mailing address at And we thank you in advance for your gifts.

We feature another short video from Farmers’ Footprint…

Offertory Video– Gillard Farms

Blessing for the Offering

Closing remarks – still supporting Farmers’ Footprint with lunch donations – check your bulletin or the website for activities coming up – please consider spending a service now and again with Traci and the kids. She has sign-ups next door.

Rev. Diana & Chris – Closing Song

A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson

Conscious Conversation

Call to Awareness – 3 Bells

Lucinda – Opening Prayer

Rev. Diana – Welcome…if you’re new with us here this morning… my name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I am the Pastor and Spiritual Director of Mystical Heart Spiritual Center. We are an Interfaith Community that teaches Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality. This morning we center our Conversation on Coming Home…may you come to know this Community and choose it as your Spiritual Home. And may you Come Home to  the Guidance and Wisdom of your own Mystic Heart.

Let’s get started by joining our voices in song and giving our bodies a chance to wake up!

Rev. Diana & Chris – Opening Music

  • Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd
  • Song – Metta Chant, written by Tienne Beaulieu

 Rev. Diana

I invite you to remain standing and take a moment to feel the Presence of Spirit in your body…the Life moving through…the Love filling you up…and join me in our Sacred Practice of Visioning for a Love-Soaked World.

…where all humans are embodying and living from Peace, Joy, Abundance, Generosity, Justice and Freedom as Living Principles that guide our lives…where all humans practice Loving Kindness and  Compassion, honoring and caring for one another, and for our beautiful planet as the Sacred Home that she is.

We are creating a world where all needs are met…where all beings have plenty of nourishing food, the safety of a warm and comfortable home…

where mental/physical health, education, and healthy relationships are ensured by social systems grounded in Wellness and Wholeness… where right livelihood, creative contribution, and a sense of belonging are known as Gifts of the Spirit and experienced by all…

A world in which all beings are valued and respected for their inherent Goodness and Light…where the Peace we cultivate within shows up as a world free of hatred or violence.

We are creating a world that knows no greed, where there is abundance in  having enough…where every being deserves and receives all that is needed for a full, rich, and contented life.

In this new world of our creation, every person is a caring and conscious vessel through which Generosity flows. By the Power of our collective intention, we write a new story…we create a world that works for all beings. We know that our Good Work is bearing fruit. We will not lower our Vision, no matter the appearance, knowing with our whole hearts that such a world is not only possible, but inevitable. It is coming into being now…and we trust that this prayer is an integral part of its Graceful unfolding.

We open our hearts, our doors, and our arms in Radical Welcome, erasing all lines of apparent separation. We  create an open and loving community to which all are invited, and in which all have an equal voice. Our Powerful Vision is moving into form and experience here and now, and so we simply let it go and let it be. And so it is…Amen…Sathu…Ashay…Aho!

Let’s take a moment to look around and notice who is sharing this space with you this morning. This is one of your support systems, your Spiritual Family should you choose it.

I have a question for you…

Have you had any opportunities this past week to Practice the actual creation of a Love-Soaked World? Or has it just been my week for Practice?

You know it takes practice, right? We might not get it right the first time. It might be uncomfortable. We might be called on to put our reactive tendencies and preferences aside, or at least make compromises in the interest of Harmony, Love, and Wholeness. This life is really challenging sometimes. But we can’t give up. The world needs our help, especially right now. We cannot continue to do things the way we’ve been doing them and expect positive change to happen.

Did anybody feel like giving up any time this week?

Hang in there, we’re going to be okay. We have each other. We have a Spiritual Family, a place to Come Home to.

I’d like to begin our Conversation this morning by telling you a story. This is one of the parables that is taken from the book of Luke in the Christian Bible. Picture this if you will…the Master Teacher, Yeshua is sitting in a field, surrounded by a group of disciples, or followers. He begins to tell this story:

“There was once a man who had two sons, one younger and one older. The younger one approached him one day and said, ‘Hey dad, I have a great idea. Instead of waiting for you to die so that I can get my half of everything you own, why don’t you give me my share now?’

Does anyone here have kids? Does this sound like something you would agree to? Apparently, this man didn’t think there was anything wrong with this request. The man divided his property between his two sons and after a few days the younger son sold his part of the property took the money and ran.

In fact, he left the country and wasted his money in ‘reckless and riotous living’. He spent everything he had. Sound familiar to anyone? Anyone here in your 20’s?

Unfortunately, a severe famine spread over that country, and he was left without a thing. No food, no shelter…nothing. So he got a job on a farm feeding pigs. Did you know that in Jewish culture, the pig was the most disgusting animal alive?

Pigs carried diseases and filth as they wallowed in the muck and ate revolting things. But this guy was desperate. He watched the pigs eat bean pods and other leftovers, but no one gave him anything to eat.

Finally, one day he had had enough. He thought about his father’s hired workers who had plenty to eat and here he was about to starve! So he headed for home.

As he approached his family home, he planned out what he would tell his father, “Dad, I have been really awful. I have spent every penny you gave me and have nothing to show for it. I am no longer fit to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired workers.” He was kind of into drama.

He was still a long way from home when his dad saw him coming. His poor son looked so ragged and skinny.

And he ran up to his son and kissed him. Pretty nice guy, huh?

‘Dad,’ the son said, ‘I really blew it. You should just write me off.’

But the father called to his field hands. ‘Hurry!’ he said. ‘Bring him a brand-new pair of 501 Jeans and a new shirt, some new boots. Put a gold ring on his finger while you’re at it. Then go and get the prize calf and kill it, and start the barbecue, and let’s have a party! I thought my son was dead, but now he is alive; he was lost, but now he has been found.’ And so the feasting began.

While this was going on, the older son was out in the field, still working. He started for the house, and when he got closer, he wondered what was going on. Was that the Steve Miller Band blasting out of the speakers? Take the Money and Run?

So he called one of the field hands and asked him, ‘What’s happening down there?’ ‘Your brother is home, and your father has killed the prize calf, because he’s so grateful to have him back safe and sound.’

The older brother was really ticked off and he refused to go into the house. His dad came out and begged him to come in.

But he spoke back to his father, ‘Look, all these years I have worked for you like a slave, and I have never disobeyed your orders. What have you given me? Not even a package of hotdogs and a keg of beer to have a party with my friends! (Modern translation) But this brat wasted all your property on prostitutes, and when he comes back home, you kill the prize calf for him!’

‘My son,’ the father answered, ‘you are always here with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate. I thought your brother was dead, but he’s alive; he was lost, but now he has been found.’

Can you identify with the father? Have you ever had a kid go missing?

But can you also identify with the youngest son? I know that when I was about 19 years old, I just had to get out of the house.

And can you identify with the oldest son?

So what are we supposed to get from this story?

(It is important to remember that the Bible is a library of stories written in the East for an Eastern population. The stories use symbolism to teach Truth. The characters represent the aspects of you and me.)

These stories were written up to 100 years after the life of Yeshua and were recorded by scribes based on the oral tradition passed down by the Hebrew people over hundreds to thousands of years.

So in that context, let’s look at ourselves through the eyes of these characters.

First, let’s look at the Prodigal…the youngest son. We can identify with his youth. We were there once. So we understand why he left.

Why does the author use famine as the place where the boy ends up?

(On the material level, he runs out of money. No more food. And he has been looking to the physical pleasures to fulfill him. On the mental and emotional level, he is lonely and unfulfilled. He misses the connection to family and home. This is psychological, emotional famine.)

What about the spiritual level?

(He is looking to those same material pleasures to fill the empty place inside of him.)

Is there anyone here other than me that has done that? Does is work? What does it take to fill that hole?

(Our connection to our own Divinity, to something bigger than our humanity)

So, he chooses to go home. This is important. He makes the conscious choice to go home…even at the risk of being made a servant. He chooses family, home, and to connect with something outside of himself.

So the one who was lost, now is found. Or so the story goes. But what about the oldest brother? He was really ticked off when he saw that his brother had come home.

He thought because he obeyed the rules, he deserved the blessing.

But what was his motivation?

(He was after the stuff; wanted approval, but that’s not true affection. In fact, he kept himself so busy that he failed to make time to really connect; he’s a pretty black and white sort of guy…right and wrong are non-negotiable. He’s rigid. He follows the rules, but does he listen to the calling of his heart? Does he even know what his heart desires?

He doesn’t even seem to have control over his mind.

What was his mind doing?

(“I’m the one who’s slaving day and night… I am practically a living sacrifice for that father of mine; I have denied myself all the pleasures of life. What else can I possibly do to earn my Father’s love? He thought his brother’s mistakes were unforgivable. Just a little bit of judgment going on here. He was resentful of his father’s joy and refused to take part in the celebration.

So, who was the prodigal?

At first glance, we think it’s the younger brother who was lost. But the one who was really lost was the one who thought he wasn’t – the one who didn’t recognize his need for deep connection.

For all of us, the elder brother’s attitude is a powerful warning. His being prone to staying too busy and the resulting lack of connection are masquerading as faithfulness.

Doesn’t it seem that it is when we are most in need of connection, of community or family support…these are the times that we least recognize our own need? We might be experiencing depression or engaging in so much self-pity that we are oblivious.

The father’s eager welcome and absolute generosity are reminders that we can always go home to Spirit. God’s grace and goodness are inexhaustible.

What might the Father be a symbol for? What message might he have? (One interpretation is that the father represents God. This character is telling us that no matter how we mess up our lives, God always welcomes us back in love.

But what if God had a voice and could talk to us in a way we could hear? What might He be thinking as he speaks to his eldest son at the end of the story?

“You think work and effort can stir my affection for you? I already love you more than you can ever know. Nothing you do can ever change that.

You were a noble servant in the physical sense, but you never made time to just spend time with me.

Always working on yourself…I didn’t want a better, more improved you…I just want the real and authentic you.

My love for you knows no criticism…has already given you all that I have. There is nothing more I can do for you.

Your brother has found his way home. Have you?”

Let’s close our time today with a Practice…Coming Home to Your Light.

Gently allow the eyes to close, and take a couple of deep breaths…as you continue to ground yourself, imagine the breath dissolving any thoughts of what has come before…moving the energy of the mind down into the heart…placing your hands on your heart and breathing slowly, quietly, connecting with your heartbeat…Imagine that your heart is beating with the pulsing energy of the One Life…

You are a being of Light…feel the Light within you pulsing , beating in tandem with the Heart of the Mother…with the Heart of the Father…with the Infinite Intelligence back of everything…

You are shining so brightly…imagine how far your Light shines, and how it is not limited…notice your potential to light up the space around you…how effortless it is to shine, to share your Light. Notice how Light does not choose where it will shine, or on whom…it simply shines. You are a being of Divine Light. Absorb this Light into all of your cells.

Closing Prayer: I Am so grateful to know that the Light of Spirit is forever shining as me, as you, as all beings everywhere, as all of creation. This week, I commit to spending time in reflection…taking time in silence…asking for Guidance… “Spirit, lead me Home to You.”

Thank you, Spirit, for our time together this morning. I know that it nourishes and supports me in the week to come. And thank you for the blessing of Life Itself. May I be forever grateful…

As you prepare to return your awareness to this space and time, do not completely disengage from the Light. Light is your true nature. Keep shining your Light as you return to form.

I release this prayer, maintaining the Vision…and so it is… Amen… Sathu… Ashay… Aho!

Anytime you are feeling disconnected, you can take a few moments to Come Home to the Light of Spirit…to the Truth of who you are.

Affirmation for the Offering

Each Sunday, we invite you to join in the celebration of the work we are doing in the world by sharing of your financial Good, should you choose to.

If you are at home, you can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.

We also have a Gracious Giving Program for those who would like to make a heartfelt monthly commitment of support so that we can more effectively plan for our growth. You can find more information on our website.

As we move into this time of giving, hold these words close to your heart and know how much we appreciate your gifts:

As I awaken to the God within me and all around me, I see Abundance everywhere I look. I consciously step into that flow of Abundance by this act of giving. I offer this gift freely in the spirit of Love, blessing and sending it forth to heal and prosper. It is evidence of my deep faith. It does good work in the world and blesses all of Creation. I give from a consciousness of Abundance! And so it is! Amen!

Offertory Song – Look for the Good, written & performed by Jason Mraz

Lucinda – Blessing for the Offering

Lucinda – Invitations

  • Michael Bordeaux and the Mystic Heart Book Club is beginning Dinner with Buddha this Tuesday from 3-5 pm. We listen and discuss, so no book needed.
  • This Wednesday, March 22nd from 2:00 – 5:00 pm, last week to add Rev. Diana’s prayer class. Check your Bulletin or our website for more details. Contact Rev. Diana to register.
  • Kavalya Poirier is offering Functional Movement through Yoga on Thursdays, 11 am – 12:15 pm.
  • Fast Track to Wellness with Rev. Diana meets on Thursdays from 12:30 – 2:30 This is a physical health and wholeness support circle. Drop-ins are welcome.
  • Metaphysical Bible Study with Chris Johnson meets on Thursdays from 3:00 – 5:00 pm. Drop-ins are welcome.
  • Please sign up with Traci to assist with the Junior Mystics once every 4-8 weeks. She has the sign-up sheet next door…many hands make light work.

Looking Ahead…

  • Sunday, April 9th – Easter Sunday Release and Renewal Ceremony – 10:00-11:30, a single service for this week only.
  • 2nd Annual Spring Retreat at Coram Ranch in Shasta Lake April 20-23, 2023. Please let Rev. Diana know if you are planning to attend and have not yet registered. Payment in full is due by April 1st.

Mark Your Calendars Now…

  • Friday, May 19th , 6:00-9:00 pm, Our Annual State of the Heart Gathering. More information will be available soon.

Prayer Requests, Practitioner available after service, Information Cards if new people

Rev. Diana & Chris – Closing Song

  • Love Be With You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP & Gary Lynn Floyd


©2023 Mystic Heart Spiritual Center, All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to duplicate for non-commercial educational use only.
All rights to music performed remain with the copyright owners.
Diana Johnson’s music is ©2023 by Barefoot Angel Publishing, ASCAP.
Chris Johnson’s music is ©2023 by SeaJay Music & Publishing, ASCAP.

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