The Blessing of Sacred Service

Sunday, November 8, 2020: The Blessing of Sacred Service Good morning and thank you for joining us in celebration this morning.  We have so much to celebrate today.  Together we are celebrating this beautiful day… we are celebrating yesterday’s marriage of Mechelle McPhetridge Rhodes to Kelly Rhodes… congratulations, you two… we are celebrating the graceful […]

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11/8/2020: Meditation

Sunday Morning Meditation             11/8/2020  I invite you to allow your body to relax and become still…  Inhale deeply, allowing the Divine Breath to fill you… and release it fully, letting go of everything that came before this blessed moment…  Give yourself fully to the Sacred Now…  Let your breath settle into its own natural […]

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Making Sanctuary Here and Now

Sunday, October 11, 2020:  Let Us Make Sanctuary… Good morning and thank you for joining us in celebration this morning…together we are celebrating this beautiful Fall morning…we are celebrating all of the blessings that are showered down upon us, even in such uncertain times…we are celebrating the Goodness of Life Itself. Even in the most […]

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Only Here, Only Now…

Only Here, Only Now…                   Sunday, September 27, 2020 Celebration Service Good morning and thank you for joining us in celebration this morning.  Isn’t it good to be alive on this beautiful Fall morning?  Life is so good, yes?  It is absolutely worth celebrating. As a way of […]

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I Am That!

I Am That!                Taizé, September 20, 2020 Call to Awareness – 3 Bells Opening Prayer – Chris will set the intention to create a space for Communion Chant – The Greater Good of All by David Roth SILENCE – Bell Reading – Diana Good morning. If you are new with us today, my name is […]

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Trust the Journey

Trust the Journey: September 13, 2020 Good morning.  Isn’t it good to be alive?  And in such compelling times, yes?  Life just continues to offer more opportunities to rise above conditions, to see through the eyes of Spirit.  The last message I gave, I listed the global pandemic and the stress and divisiveness it is […]

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Soul Communion

Soul Communion            9/13/2020  As you settle your body into a relaxed, comfortable position, I invite you to take a deep breath… and release it fully…  Imagine breathing in the Presence of Spirit… and completely letting go of all tension as you exhale…  There is nothing you need to do or think about… just be totally […]

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