Personalizing Joyful Expression – June 21, 2020

Taizé – Personalizing Joyful Expression

Bell – Call to Awareness – 3 Bells

10:01 Opening Prayer – Sherri

Chant:  Joyful Chant, by Terry Lieberstein

Wisdom and joy live inside me

I am the heart of all divine

Never apart from the One who guides me

Wholeness and peace are mine.

Silence – 1 minute – bell

What is visioning?  Lucinda

Good morning. If you are new with us today, my name is Lucinda Alton, Prayer Practitioner for Mystic Heart Spiritual Center, and I am Sherri Dotter, Prayer Practitioner for Mystic Heart Spiritual Center.  We want to welcome you home.

Our theme for the month of June is Joyful Expression.  During these compelling times, it is helpful to remember to just stop and breathe.  To remember that there are still everyday things that make us happy.  And that it’s OK to be happy.  So please join us now as we take a visioning journey to explore being joyful.

Visioning is a powerful process that helps us to open up ourselves and our lives to spirit, to expand our awareness of a higher power and to anchor our life with divine direction and guidance.

All the knowledge, direction and guidance to live our lives fully already exists in the mind of God.  We just need to establish an availability and receptivity to Spirit’s expression as our lives.  We need to ask the question and listen…We practice reverential awareness as we listen for Spirit’s response.  Remember that our answers don’t have to be words.  And they might not come today.  So be sure to watch for answers during the coming week.

We have a page with the questions printed for those who are here and we are posting a copy of them in chat so that anyone who would like a copy can download it and we will also email it.

Song: Peace and Joy, by Narayan and Janet

Visioning – Sherri

Question 1

What is Spirit’s highest and greatest vision for Joy expressing as my life?

  • Joy is the very essence of Spirit. How does Spirit express Joy through me?
  • Living Spirit’s highest vision of my life, what does my expression of Joy look like?
Question 2

What must I become in order for joy to express as my life?

  • What must I move towards to better align myself with Spirit’s joyful expression in my life?
  • What changes are required of me to bring more joy-filled experiences in my life?
Question 3

What must I release?  What is it that no longer serves me?

  • What belief or perception is hindering my joyful expression?
  • What perceptual window must be cleaned in order for me to see the very essence of God expressing as joy in and as my life?
Question 4

What must I embrace?

  • How do I create space for joy to naturally express in my life right now?
  • Oftentimes, for Spirit to express fully in my life I must surrender, allow, accept and receive this divine flow. What is it that I need to embrace to open myself up to Spirit?
Question 5

Is there anything else I need to know so that I may become a beneficial presence and joyful expression of Spirit on this planet?

  • Is there anything else I need to be aware of in order to align with Spirit’s highest vision of me?

Closing Prayer – Lucinda

Offertory: Blessing for the Offering – Lucinda & Sherri

As I awaken to the God within me and all around me, I see Abundance everywhere I look. I consciously step into that flow of Abundance by this act of giving. I bless this gift, sending it forth to heal and prosper. It is evidence of my deep faith. It does good work in the world and blesses all of Creation. I give from a consciousness of Abundance! And so it is! Amen!

Offertory Song: Peace and Joy, by Narayan and Janet

Prayer Blessing the Offering – Lucinda

Invitations – Lucinda

Thank you for our time together today.  We invite you to stick around and visit. 

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