Sunday Morning Fellowship Services: Please Join Us for

Conscious Conversations

Interactive Sunday Gatherings

Join Mystic Heart Spiritual Center Sundays at 10am for an interactive experience… Conscious Conversations.

This new format includes music, celebration, meditation, and an interactive message that invites dialogue.  Let’s explore our spirituality together by sharing our corporate wisdom.  Elements of our beloved Taizé meditation will definitely still be offered to center and ground us.

Mystic Heart Spiritual Center’s Sunday Gatherings are an interactive experience that we call Conscious Conversations. This new format includes elements of our Taizé, including music, message and meditation. It also invites dialog,  allowing us to explore our spirituality together. Our Beloved Community comes together every Sunday at 10:00 am at the Gathering Place, 3609 Bechelli Lane, Suite I, Redding, California, and online via Zoom and Facebook Live.  Join in each Sunday, either in person or online.

Our Theme for July is

So This Is Freedom

Here are the weekly topics:

  • July 3  – Who AM I, Really?
  • July 10 – It’s the Law!
  • July 17 – The Heart of Integrity
  • July 24 – The Rest is Up to You
  • July 31 – Where Do We Go From Here?
When: Sunday Mornings
Time: 10:00 am
Where: The Gathering Place, 3906 Bechelli Lane, Suite I, Redding, CA  96002
Zoom link:

The Junior Mystics are Back!

Check out our concurrently running children’s program, the Junior Mystics, by clicking here. You’ll find our experienced teachers are skillful in creating a loving, safe space that allows parents and caregivers the ease to attend Sunday Gatherings knowing their young ones are well cared for.

This children’s program allows kids to participate in a variety of activities that deepen their understanding of their connection to Spirit and to their world. Junior Mystics participate in age appropriate activities for infants to 4-year-olds and spiritual programs for 5 to 12-year-olds. Please submit the form below if your children will participate, so that we will be sure to have plenty of age-appropriate activities and materials for them.

It is essential that you fill out the RSVP form below if you plan to bring your child(ren) on Sunday.

Junior Mystics RSVP
Yes, we want to make our Junior Mystics reservations for the next Family Sunday! Here is our information:
Please set your cell phone to vibrate during the service, in case we need to text you about your child.
Selected Value: 1
Please let us know how many kids to expect, so that we can ensure appropriate staffing.
Please let us know the age of each child you will be bringing so that we have age-appropriate materials for them.
Please let us know any other important information to help us care for your children, specifically, food allergies, sensitivities, special needs, etc. The more we know about your children, the better we can serve them!