Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace!

May 8, 2022

Rev. Diana Johnson, with Lucinda Alton, RScP & Chris Johnson, RScP

The following is the outline Rev. Diana prepared to guide the Conscious Conversation. You may view the video with subtitles on our YouTube Channel at

Lucinda – Invocation

Opening Music –

  • Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd

Congregational Song: Amazing Grace, written by John Newton

Rev. Diana – Welcome & Global Connection

Good morning! My name is Rev. Diana Johnson, and I want to welcome you home…to our spiritual Community, and to your heart’s Deep Wisdom, your own Mystic Heart. I’m so glad you’re here with us this morning, whether here at the Gathering Place or online.

Let’s take a moment to Connect with our Global Community, gently allowing the eyes to close…taking a couple of deep breaths, and letting go of everything that has brought us to this moment…fully arriving in this time and space…

Envisioning a web of consciousness that encompasses the earth, each of us a point of Light in the web. Can you feel that Light shining from the very core of your Being? Now allow your Light to grow until it meets and merges with the radiant Light of family and friends, neighbors…all human beings…all creatures…every living thing, and from that which we would call non-living…plants, rocks, soil and water, stars and planets…one Light…one Life…one Intelligence…shining through all of creation. As we experience our oneness with All That Is, grounded in the Truth of Who and Whose we are…we join our voices in musical prayer.

Chant: The Garden, written by Eddie Watkins, Jr.

Rev. Diana

I have a question for you…what does the word Grace mean?

We’re probably all familiar with the practice of saying Grace.

Did anyone here grow up saying Grace? Which prayers did you say?

Our family said, “Thank You for the world so sweet; thank You for the food we eat; thank You for the birds that sing; thank You, God for everything. Amen.” Anyone remember that one?

Like other prayers that we repeat often, the words can lose their meaning. Fr. Richard Rohr says, “If we are accustomed to praying over our food, it may become a rote, almost thoughtless gesture. Yet it is another opportunity to intentionally open ourselves to receive and participate in grace.” But what is Grace?

Let’s do a quick recap…if you missed any of these messages, you can find them on our website.

We began our  Conscious Conversations by talking about making friends with our fear…the fear that tends to get in our way whenever we set out to do anything new, big or exciting.

Then, we talked about creative inspiration and the intention, attention and faith it takes to see an idea through.

Last week, we looked at originality…the idea that each of us is born as an absolutely unique expression of the Divine. It is who and what we are. There is not another like us…never has been…never will be.

And we talked about authenticity…the process of living our lives in full recognition and expression of our originality.

So how does Grace fit with what we’ve been talking about?

I still dig into my Science of Mind textbook from time to time. Here is the definition of Grace offered by Ernest Holmes:

Grace is the givingness of Spirit to Its Creation and is not a special law, but a specialized one. In other words, Grace is, but we need to recognize it.

Grace is, but we need to recognize it.

It goes on,

It is not something God imposed upon us, but is the logical result of the correct acceptance of life, of a correct relationship to the Spirit.

Does correct mean that there’s a right and wrong way to do this? This sounds a little like dogma…I thought we didn’t do dogma.

So what does correct mean here?

That which is life-affirming, that which supports us. So it is saying that when we listen to our Highest Wisdom and act according to it…when we are in the Divine Flow, we experience Grace.

He concludes with,

We are saved by Grace to the extent that we believe in, accept, and seek to embody, the Law of Good; for the Law of Good is ever a Law of Liberty and never one of limitation. Limitation is not a thing, not an entity, but a belief. Freedom is a Divine Reality.

We’re getting serious now…we’re talking about embodiment.

What does embodiment mean?

It means to bring it into your body…to live as though Goodness and Freedom were the Truth…to walk the talk.

So as we learn to embody the Law of Good, we experience Grace. But this still doesn’t tell me exactly what Grace is.

I would like to share a reading with you from The Sacred Yes by Rev. Deborah Johnson. This book is a series of conversations that God has with Rev. Deborah. She writes them down exactly as they come. I invite you to close your eyes, if you’re comfortable doing so, and taking this in, as if your Highest Wisdom is speaking to you.

Read from page 68-69

As we get closer to figuring out exactly what Grace is, let’s take a minute to consider what we have just heard.

Do we have this false belief, that life is supposed to be hard…filled with pain and suffering…hard work…lessons to learn?

Where does this come from?

It is embedded in the race consciousness…part of our long history on the planet…probably rooted in the dark ages when humanity went through its dark night of the soul.

Before that, when human beings lived in tribes and hunted and gathered for their food, I think they understood Grace. They allowed themselves to be supplied and cared for by the Divine Mother.

Let’s continue: Read pages 69-70

Is this how we live our lives? Sometimes…maybe not often enough. Here is where Grace and Faith are related. Don’t we have to have Faith that Grace is real, that we will have exactly what we need, exactly when we need it? That there is a Divine Presence working for our Good in, through and all around us?

Let’s read a little more… Read pages 71-72

My Grace is sufficient…my Grace is sufficient in all things…at all times…in every moment…

Breathe that in for a moment…

Read pages 72-73

Do you believe it? Really believe it? Do you know it?

If you’re like me, you want to know it…you know it sometimes…but how do we get to the place where we know it all the time?

Now we go back to setting an intention and giving it our attention. Fr. Richard Rohr says that,

The goodness of God fills all the gaps of the Universe, without discrimination or preference. God is the gratuity of absolutely everything. The space in between everything is not space at all but Spirit. God is the ‘goodness glue’ that holds the dark and light of things together, the free energy that carries all death across the Great Divide and transmutes it into Life.

He continues,

Grace is not something God gives; Grace is who God is. Grace is God’s official job description. Grace is what God does to keep all things that God has created in love alive – forever. If we are to believe the primary witnesses – the mystics, the saints, the transformed people – an unexplainable goodness is at work in the universe.

So the really good news is that we are in charge of whether or not we experience Grace in our lives.

As we remember to be grateful for what we have, no matter what it looks like…we are opening to Grace.

When we remember to spend time in prayer and deep listening…we are opening to Grace.

When we look for the Divine Spark in ourselves and in everyone else…we find our Oneness…we step into alignment with our God Selves…we are opening to Grace.

It is not that we are lifted above the Law, as by some special favor. It is that we put the Law to work on our behalf. We plant the seeds of receptivity, and we experience Grace in return.

Joel S. Goldsmith tells us,

When this inner Grace takes over and goes before us to make the crooked places straight and does all things for us, then we have entered a period of life called living by Grace.

Let’s move into a contemplative space with the words of Theresa of Avila:

All streams flowing forth from a clear spring are also clear. So it is with a soul in grace. Planted like a tree in the spring of life, her deeds delight both the human and the divine.

What a beautiful and poetic way to be reminded to check in.

Are there any muddy streams flowing from my spring? Are there any places in my life that I need to clean up? To find out, all I need to do is look briefly at the many aspects of my personal world.

How is my health? Am I sleeping well, taking care to nourish my body and mind with nutritious food, getting enough activity and exercise?

How are my finances? Am I attending to what needs attention?

What about my home? Is it comfortable and well-tended? Does it bring me joy?

And how about my relationships? Is there any place that I could reach out to connect, to brighten someone’s day? Have I allowed myself to maintain meaningful connections with others? Have I forgiven those whom I feel have trespassed against me?

These are just a few of the questions that come to mind. What a blessing that it is so easy to see whether or not my spring is running clear.  It was the ancient Egyptians who gave us the Hermetic teaching, “As within, so without.” A soul in grace will always show forth a life filled with Beauty and Light.

Chris – Meditation

Amazing Grace… Those of us who were raised in one of the traditional Christian religions may associate grace with manna falling from heaven to feed the Israelites during their Exodus from Egypt… Abraham and Sarah giving birth to Isaac in their old age… Rabbi Yeshua’s healings… Grace seems miraculous and mysterious…

Grace has been defined in religious dictionaries as, “a supernatural gift of God…” but there is nothing supernatural about Grace… Spiritual laws are completely natural, though they work invisibly… Grace is “the givingness of Spirit to Creation,” a gift freely given… We cannot earn Grace, we can simply accept it and cooperate with it…

The word Grace shares a root with Gratitude… gratis, meaning free… Our very Life is freely given to us… and the appropriate response to this gift is gratitude… Living gratefully aligns us with the Grace that is always available… Gratitude aligns us with the Law of Grace, and allows it to inspire and bless us…

Rabbi Yeshua taught that “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom…”[1] And St. Paul wrote that Yeshua appeared to him in a vision, saying, “My grace is sufficient for thee…”[2] The Spirit within – our Christ Consciousness – is always aware of the omnipresence of Grace… and of its sufficiency…

I invite you now to think of a time when you were touched by Grace… when something unexpected suddenly made things better… It may have been a challenge that simply disappeared… a spontaneous healing… an accident “miraculously” avoided… Remember the relief, joy, and gratitude you felt… Where did that feeling reside in your body? As we enter the Sacred Silence in gratitude, focus your attention on that body area, and invite that feeling to return… This is how we align with Divine Grace…

Silence – 3:00

As our awareness is gently guided back into the present moment, we retain that grateful feeling… We are centered in the Divine Flow of Grace… This time of Blessed Communion has brought us into a deeper alignment with Peace… with Love… with Grace… Thank you God for everyone and everything…

I invite you to know with me now that Spirit is moving powerfully through each of us, and through our Beloved Community… Individually and collectively, we are a powerful spiritual influence on our world… As we evolve in consciousness, the benefits of our growth ripple out, blessing the entire world…

Remembering that Spirit within us is the same Spirit that inspires Rev. Diana’s message this morning, we have created a clear conduit for that inspiration to fill our hearts with Amazing Grace.

Rev. Diana

Grounded in the stillness, we maintain a receptive place of listening…where does Grace show up on a regular basis at this point in your life? Take a few moments to allow Spirit to show you all of the little blessings you experience every day…


What is the one practice that would most help me to live in the flow of God’s Grace more often? Listen…


When we are living by Grace, there is no fear. We are steeped in faith. As we make a practice of listening, we get inspiration. Feeling supported by a mighty Power, and entitled by our Divine Birthright, we find it easy to keep our attention focused on that one thing…that which only we can offer to the world.

Closing Prayer/Love-Soaked World

Let’s take a moment to anchor ourselves in prayer, to embody the Truth of all that has been spoken. Feel free to silently hold my words as your own…

Letting go of all that holds me back, and stepping into Grace, we envision and take part in creating a Love-Soaked World.

Together, we  feel and know a world where all beings are peaceful, loving, abundant, and free…where all people practice loving kindness and care for one another and for our planet. We envision a world where all needs are met…where all beings have plenty of nourishing food, the safety of a warm and comfortable home, medical care, education, healthy relationships, right livelihood, creative contribution, and a sense of belonging…

Living from our Highest Ideals, we create a world in which every being is valued for their inherent Goodness and Light…where the Peace we cultivate within shows up as a world free of violence.

Together we feel and know a world without greed, where there is abundance and contentment in simply having enough…Where every being, as a precious creation of God, is deserving of all the blessings life has to offer, and receives those blessings openly and gratefully.

With humanity serving as God’s hands, feet, hearts, and voices, there is no reason we cannot have such a world.

With nothing and no one in its way, we do whatever it takes…we know that our Vision is taking form here and now, as we speak our Powerful Word.

And now…what part do I play in creating this beautiful experience for all beings everywhere?

As I walk in the world, may I sow the seeds of Beauty, Joy, and Peace…may I sow the seeds of Compassion, Generosity, and Kindness.

May I live with the awareness that the Earth is my Mother; and may I sow in her the seeds of respect, mindfulness, and care, cultivating and sharing in her abundance.

May the soil in my field of consciousness be rich and fertile, free from the seeds of ignorance, resistance, criticism, limitation, and arrogance.

May I never sow seeds of fear, anger, judgment, or hatred…choosing instead the seeds of love, acceptance, patience and inclusion.

May I walk forever with humility, knowing that the Power that enlivens this body is the only Power there is…and that the Spirit that breathes this body is my only inspiration.

May I always remember…there but for the Grace of God go I…and may my gratitude for all that I Am given flow like a mighty river.

As I ask for Guidance daily, may I have the wisdom to listen and to follow.

As I give time to silent communion with the One, to study, service, and celebration, may I come to experience and know the Peace that passeth understanding.

May my faith be eternally strong.

May my heart and mind  be forever open to growth and change, and welcoming to all who cross my path.

May I make only positive impressions upon the flow of evolution, on the growth and development of humanity and on all of life, leaving behind me a trail of Grace that lives on and on…

Right here, in this sacred moment, I know and accept the Truth…that there is only one Life, one Power, one Presence, one Intelligence, and that One is forever expressing Itself as all of creation. And so I know that I can only be Spirit in form, living God’s life here on earth. In this knowing, I commit my Whole Self to being the most loving and peaceful expression of service that I can be.

I lean into the Power, Intelligence, and Wisdom of Spirit to guide my steps. I say yes to whatever I Am called to do with this precious life. I trust and accept that God’s fullness and completeness unfolds as an ease-full flow of Divine Blessing, even as It Calls me to higher and higher ground through daily Practice and Communion. As I answer the Call, I grow into a more complete and fulfilled version of myself…and more perfect expression of Spirit…I fully embody and live from this Truth.

And so, grateful for my deep Faith, I rest assured that this prayer, the vision, is moving into form and experience in my life, and in the world, right now; I lay it on the altar…I become the vessel…I let go and let God. It is done.

And so it is! Amen!

Music – Get Ready, My Soul, written by Daniel Nahmod

Rev. Diana – Affirmation for the Offering

If you are online with us today…We also have a Gracious Giving Program…

Blessing for the Offering – As I awaken to the God within me and all around me, I see Abundance everywhere I look. I consciously step into that flow of Abundance by this act of giving. I offer this gift freely, in the spirit of Love… blessing and sending it forth to heal and prosper. It is evidence of my deep faith. It does good work in the world and blesses all of Creation. I give from a consciousness of Abundance! And so it is! Amen!

Offertory Video: Make Love by Jason Mraz.

Lucinda – Blessing for the Offering

Lucinda – Invitations

Tuesdays, 3-5 pm – Michael Bordeaux’s book club, The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer.

Thursdays, 12-2 pm – The Connections Book Club is on hiatus this week due to the retreat at Coram Ranch.

Thursdays, 3-5 pm – The Metaphysical Bible Study is on hiatus this week due to the retreat at Coram Ranch.

Last Call…we still have room for a couple of people to join us for our 1st Annual Spring Retreat at Coram Ranch, this Thursday through Saturday with culminating Service here next Sunday. Full payment of $175 is due today. Please see Rev. Diana to reserve your place.

Looking Ahead…Mark Your Calendars…

Friday, May 20th, 5:30-8:30 – The 2nd Annual State of the Heart Congregational Gathering (previously known as the Annual Business Meeting)

This is the time for the members and friends of the Mystic Heart Spiritual Community to find out more about how we are doing, and where we are going; to have food and fellowship in a relaxed outdoor setting; and to share our talents and gifts. If you play an instrument, bring it. If you want to share a poem, a monologue, a story or song, do it. For more information, check your Sunday Bulletin or go to

Invite new people to fill out an information card.

Invite folks to fill out a prayer card, or receiver prayer after service, etc.

Closing Songs:

  • A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson
  • Love Be With You, Written by Lainey Bernstein & Gary Lynn Floyd

All rights to music performed remain with the copyright owners.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

[1] Luke 12:32

[2] 2 Corinthians 12:9

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