The Supple Strength of the Sacred Feminine

The Supple Strength of the Sacred Feminine

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Angela French, MA, with Chris Netto, RScP, and musician Gary French

Video Chapter Index

0:00 Taizé Clicking on a chapter link will play the segment in a new YouTube tab. Your link to this page will remain open in this tab, but the video will play in the new window. Clicking on the Play arrow in the video screen above will play both Taizé and the Conscious Conversation on this page. To make the picture bigger, you may click the full screen icon in the lower right corner: View Fullscreen To cast the video to your Smart TV, click the Play on TV button: Cast to TV. Also, we now have Closed Captioning available! To access Closed Captions, start the video and click on the CC icon next to the gear in the lower right of the video screen: View Captions
29:09 Guided Meditation
44:20 Conscious Conversation


Angela – We follow the bell to the stillness within… 3 Bells

Chris – Opening Prayer

Angela – Welcome…if you’re new with us this morning, here at Mystic Heart Spiritual Center we are an Interfaith Community that welcomes all paths to the Divine. We teach Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality.

My name is Angela French, and I am privileged to welcome you here this morning as I fill in for our lovely Reverend Diana who is taking a few well-deserved days off.

We’ll begin our Taizé Meditation with musical prayer in a moment, but first, Reverend Diana asked me to say a few words about myself by way of introduction.

I grew up in an atheist family and was fairly hostile toward all things spiritual until one day in college when I had an overwhelming and beautiful mystical experience in the middle of a philosophy class. After that experience filled with Love and Light, I was quickly swept up into the Christian church. But I always had questions and continued to search for answers. I sampled various flavors of spirituality both within and outside of the Christian faith. I finally ended up with double Masters degrees in Theology and Psychology. But I have to say it is the study I did on the fringes, with the remnants, the Gnostics, the heretics, and the mystics, that I found the most resonance for my heart. At the present moment, the best way I’ve found to describe my path is that I follow the path of the feminine Christ under the guiding light of Mary Magdalene, who I believe, understood the Christ path to an unparalleled depth. It is through her wisdom that I find connection with the Sacred Feminine, which has always found a way to birth and rebirth Herself to a remnant of faithful followers, including everyone from earthmothers and fathers, to pagans, to various wisdom streams within various religions, and, of course, the mystics. So join me now as we come together as one to raise the energy through musical prayer.

Gary – Taizé Chants

  • Welcome Home To Your Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • We Are One, written by Linda Webb-Khakaba

Angela – Let’s take a moment to center and connect… Become aware of your body; the weight of your body in the chair…. Follow the flow of your breath, breathing naturally… Now connect to your heart in a way that suits you, perhaps by placing a hand on your heart, reflect for a moment on anything that evokes love for you. Build that sense of love. Soak in it…

And now, with intention, visualize or sense an infinity symbol (a figure eight) forming… the bottom circle connected to Mother’s Earth’s energy, loving and grounding… the upper circle created by the cascading light of Cosmic Source or Spirit flowing down… benevolent and always for your highest and best…. In the center the circles intersect to form a shining point of love in your heart…. Allow your awareness to enter that shining point of light in your heart… Allow that light to pulse and grow with the rhythm of your heartbeat…  Allow the infinity symbol to grow until it encompasses your whole body… sit in that wonderful light… and now allow the light to grow beyond you, connecting to the other lights in the room… feel how deeply we are all connected…

Some of you may feel the desire to stay in this altered state of light, love, and connection for the duration of our time together this morning. Feel free to do so. For the rest of you, gently bring your awareness back into the present moment. Sense the air on your skin and the weight of your body in the chair. Take a soft cleansing inhale… and exhale.

As we  move into contemplation of the Sacred Feminine, we remember what Rev Diana has reminded us of all months: the Sacred Feminine is an energy that resides in us all regardless of gender. And one of her greatest gifts is embodied knowing…

Embodied knowing refers to the wisdom in our bodies. The intellectual mind is only a small part of the wisdom available to us. We also have gut wisdom, heart wisdom, emotional wisdom, the wisdom residing in our nervous system, the wisdom residing in our root and sacral chakras, and we have intuitive wisdom – that I know that I know that I know wisdom.

I’m going to lead us into contemplation around how the divine feminine can lead us into these wisdoms… I invite you to journey with curiosity and a childlike mind.

I’d like you to do your best to stay connected to your body. Tune into how your body is responding to what you’re hearing. What’s exciting you? What’s bringing up pleasure? What is irritating you? What triggers you? Are there places in your body that are tightening up? Are there places in your body that are relaxing? What gives you the chills or goose bumps? All of these responses are valid and good. So ask yourself “What is here for me?”  Feel into that. Try, to the best of your ability to tune in deeply to the wisdom of your body.

There are many faces of the divine feminine and there are many teachings about her diverse aspects. The one I’m drawing from for this morning’s Taizé is Sabrina Lynn’s “Six Faces of the Feminine.”

One of the faces of the divine feminine we see here at Mystic Heart every Sunday morning is called… the Mystic. Our lovely Reverend Diana walks this particular path of the feminine beautifully. The mystical feminine is a high vibrational energy. In her we find high spiritual wisdom. It is also the space of sacred service. The mystic is always manifesting the love of divine into the world both energetically and in real tangible hands-on work. The mystic allows love and light and grace to flow through them in abundance to all Beings. Theirs is a generous love and whatever they intend… most often comes to pass.

So let’s take a moment to feel into that energy. What do you sense in your body? Is there a yearning in you to walk into this high vibrational way of being? (pause)

Or perhaps this next face of the feminine resonates more with you. Let’s talk about the warrior. The warrior shows up when we stand in our truth, express our wisdom, and what we know that we know that we know. It takes strength to stand in our truth. Warrior gives us a backbone and a strong capacity for remaining grounded. This is the strength of the oak tree that, though buffeted by winds, will stand strong. Warrior’s stand in their truth, regardless of anyone’s opinions. This is the aspect of the feminine that lends us courage, stamina, strength, and the ability to care for ourselves .

So let’s take a moment to feel into that energy. What do you sense in your body? Is this aspect of the feminine speaking to you, asking you to walk with her?

Let’s move on to the lover. The lover is the aspect of the feminine that is fully open and receptive to life. She soaks in life force and offers a rejuvenating fountain of youth, joy, and pleasure. The lover trusts and surrenders into what life has for her. She is also a healer who will move us out of shame of our bodies or shame around our sexuality…

She knows how to enjoy the sensual, whether it’s the taste of dark chocolate or the thrill of  standing in a wind whipped storm. So let’s take a moment to feel into that energy. Is this aspect of the feminine speaking to you, asking you to walk with her? Does the lover have healing or liberation to offer you?

I feel this is a good moment to remind you to just allow what comes up for you. Do not get in your head. This is not a time of analysis; this is a time of feeling into your body. Stay embodied and trust the process. Don’t judge what comes up for you. Go with it, open and curious.

Let’s proceed with three more aspects of the feminine.

Let’s move on to great mother. Great mother is the source of unconditional love. She always holds space for us, we can always trust her to be there, always filled with compassion and encouragement for us. The great mother wants to release us from unhealed childhood wounds. She also wants to release us from generational wounds passed down through ancestral lines. She wants to release us from limitations. Great mother is our sustainer and source of our abundance.

So let’s take a moment to feel into that energy. What do you sense in your body? Is this aspect of the feminine speaking to you, asking you to walk with her?

Let’s move on to the dark feminine. The dark feminine brings a sword and wields it with sharp precision to remove anything that is preventing us from stepping into our wholeness. This is the aspect of the feminine that is all about shadow work and one that I’m very familiar with. The dark feminine is all about showing you what lies dormant within you. She won’t let you play small, and she won’t let you lie to yourself, but she will liberate you, and set free the fire that burns within you. So let’s take a moment to feel into that energy. What do you sense in your body? Are you cringing away from diving into shadow work? Are you doing so because this really is not the right time in your life… or because you’ve been hearing the call and do not relish answering? One of the most beautiful things about the dark feminine is her utter lack of any kind of judgement. You can trust her.

Finally, let us explore the feminine as medicine woman. Also known as the crone, the witch, the shaman, etc. The feminine as medicine woman is an energetic vortex. She has the ability to feel into the seen and unseen realms. She walks through the world seeing what is happening below the surface and being able to connect into that which lies either hidden or dormant. She embodies the rhythm of the seasons and cycles; she understands death and rebirth. This aspect of the feminine brings deep connection to magic. She is the holder of mysteries, and she is deeply prophetic. She has the sight.

Let’s call in the feminine energy of medicine woman with intention right now and sit in that energy. Does this resonate with you? Is this aspect of the feminine speaking to you, asking you to walk with her?

One of the most important things is that you trust the wisdom that is coming up for you. This is a time when we allow the truth, our truth, our full embodied deep truth to rise up. Say to yourself: The only thing that matters right now is my truth in this moment. I am here in this moment reclaiming the fullness of myself. The greatest most selfless thing I can do is to become true to myself.

The divine feminine is fully trustworthy. And she is truth. She is your truth; your most authentic place of being right now in this moment, in this time, in this season.

So feel deeply into your body and let the faces of the feminine turn toward you. Which one is lighting up, calling to you? Are you being called by the mystic into high vibrational energy and sacred service? Or is it the warrior’s gift of courage, stamina, and standing boldly in your truth? Is the lover calling you to open to beauty and delight in all things? Is the great mother wooing you into her arms of unconditional love and reparenting? Is the dark goddess coaxing you into shadow work to really come to know yourself? Or is the prophetic sight of medicine woman and working within other realms, within death and rebirth, and with magic calling to you?

As Chris comes up to lead us into silent meditation, trust that your openness will be met by the divine feminine.

Chris – Guided Meditation

Please take a breath as we together once again visit our opening meditation… Become aware of your body; the weight of your body in the chair…. Follow the flow of your breath, breathing naturally…

Now, with intention, visualize or sense an infinity symbol (a figure eight) forming… the bottom circle connected to Mother’s Earth’s energy, loving and grounding… the upper circle created by the cascading light of Cosmic Source or Spirit flowing down… benevolent and always for your highest and best…. In the center the circles intersect to form a shining point of love in your heart…. Allow your awareness to enter that shining point of light in your heart… Here lies a portal into connection with the divine feminine…  Take a step now… Cross the threshold of this portal into the deep compassion of the divine feminine…  Let the divine feminine speak to you… Allow her to speak in symbols… or in feelings… or in vision… or in deep inner knowing far beyond the intellectual mind…  Allow your soul to hear, sense and receive what is yours today. Let’s go to silence.

Silence – 3:00

As the music gently calls us back, let us step back across the threshold in our hearts… As we come back into our own heart, we know the divine feminine is infinitely trustworthy… and so we feel and express gratitude for what we have received…

As we settle into our skin, our bones, our muscles, and sinews, we also give thanks for this embodiment…  We give thanks for embodied wisdom…  We sense the air on our skin, we shift our bodies, move our fingers, roll our shoulders, breathe, and return to being present.

Angela – Thank you Chris.

Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me. For opening yourself to the idea that there is strength and power, healing, and guidance to be found within the divine feminine. I would encourage you to find time to sit with whatever presented itself. Perhaps journal, perhaps dance… meet that energy in whatever way feels good to your body… Most of all: Enjoy the ride.

Now… as you look around, notice all the wonderful family you have supporting you in your path. These people care for you and are cheering you on.

Love Offering – As we close our Taizé Meditation, we offer the opportunity for you to share your financial good in support of the work we do in the world. If you’re joining us online, you can find a Donate Button and our mailing address at And we thank you in advance for your gifts.

Gary – Offertory Music

  • Get Ready My Soul, written by Daniel Nahmod

Chris – Blessing for the Offering

Angela – Please consider grabbing a cup of something warm next door and come back to join in the Conscious Conversation. We’ll close the Taizé portion of our morning with A Soul’s Blessing.

Gary – Taizé Closing Song

  • A Soul’s Blessing, written by Chris Johnson

Conscious Conversation

Chris – Opening Prayer

Angela – Good morning and welcome, or welcome back…welcome to

those joining online. If you’re new with us here this morning… here at Mystic Heart Spiritual Center we are an Interfaith Community that welcomes all paths to the Divine. We teach Universal Principles and Practical Spirituality.

My name is Angela French, and I am privileged to welcome you here this morning as I fill in for our lovely Reverend Diana who is taking a few well-deserved days off.

We’ll dive into our Conscious Conversation in a moment, but first, Reverend Diana asked me to say a few words about myself by way of introduction.

I grew up in an atheist family and was fairly hostile toward all things spiritual until one day in college when I had an overwhelming and beautiful mystical experience in the middle of a philosophy class. After that experience filled with Love and Light, I was quickly swept up into the Christian church. But I always had questions and continued to search for answers. I sampled various flavors of spirituality both within and outside of the Christian faith. I finally ended up with double Masters degrees in Theology and Psychology. But I have to say it is the study I did on the fringes, with the remnants, the Gnostics, the heretics, and the mystics, that I found the most resonance for my heart.

At the present moment, the best way I’ve found to describe my path is that I follow the path of the feminine Christ under the guiding light of Mary Magdalene, who I believe, understood the Christ path to an unparalleled depth. It is through her wisdom that I find connection with the Sacred Feminine, which has always found a way to birth and rebirth Herself to a remnant of faithful followers, including everyone from earthmothers and fathers, to pagans, to various wisdom streams within various religions, and, of course, the mystics. So join me now as we come together as one to raise the energy here At Mystic Heart through musical prayer.

Gary – Opening Songs

  • Welcome to the Mystic Heart, written by Diana & Chris Johnson
  • One Big Family, written by Robin Hackett & Gary Lynn Floyd

Angela – Join me now in prayer for the creation of a Love-Soaked World.

Know with me now that we are creating a world where all humans embody and live from the Qualities of Spirit…Love, Kindness, Generosity, and Compassion…

In this world, all people honor and care for one another, for all of the life

forms that share this beautiful earth, and for the earth Herself. We

remember that we are connected to all of Life…that we are dependent on the planet to sustain us, and on one another.

Living a life true to our nature, we give of ourselves generously, offering the gifts we came here to give. With all needs met for every person, each one is free to share time and talent in ways that feed the soul.

In the world we envision all beings are well-fed…have the safety and comfort of home and a deep sense of belonging and purpose. We welcome this new way of living, valuing every being for its uniqueness… we practice living Authentic lives…With Love, Generosity and Kindness guiding every heart our world is free of hatred and violence.

In this process of profound change, this Community stands as an open and welcoming place for all who seek support, belonging, and Family.

By the power of our deep faith, this prayer is acted upon, answered even before it is spoken, And so it is…Amen! Sathu…Selah…Ashay…Aho!

Bringing awareness back to the body, to the room, to this beautiful life, and to the amazing beings who share this space with us this morning…look around to say good morning to your Spiritual Family.

Our theme this month is Sacred Feminine. If you were here for Taizé meditation this morning, you know that we had the unique opportunity to feel deeply into some of the different aspects of the sacred feminine.

To give credit where credit is due, what I shared this morning was deeply influenced and inspired by the podcast of Sabrina Lynn called ReWilding for Women and if this is something you feel called to explore more, that podcast is an easy access point.

So, we explored the feminine aspects of great mother, of warrior, of lover, of mystic, of medicine woman, and even the dark aspect of the feminine… and we did this by settling deep into our embodied wisdom. We put aside our intellectual mind and its desire to analyze, for the sake of feeling deeply into the wisdom of the body. We grounded ourselves in the body. Feel free to do the same now as we move into conversation. Settle deep into your seat, into your hips, balance your sitz bones on the chair and your feet firmly on the ground. Let roots draw down into Mother Earth allowing her energy to stabilize and enliven. Let those roots reach deep, deep down into her loving embrace. Now straighten your spine, lengthen your torso, let your trunk become strong like an oak tree reaching upwards toward the sun, the sky, drawing down nourishment even as your roots draw up nourishment. Reach up into the celestial wisdom of the stars, and further still into great Source, great Spirit. Let the Source Light envelope you and hold you even as Mother grounds you. Can you feel the difference? Can you feel how the energy shifts in your body and in the room when we intentionally bring our body online, invite it into our conversation?

  • That energy is life force energy. That is the feminine.
  • The feminine embraces everything.
  • the tree, the wind, the sunshine, it’s the fullness of emotion, it’s wildness, it’s connected into the all of everything
  • connecting deeply with body allows deep wisdom to flow…
  • it connects us with wisdom beyond the mind
  • wisdom of the gut, the heart, the nervous system, our intuition, deep wisdom that lives in our bones…
  • wisdoms that can’t be put in words, but we know that we know
  • before we go on: your path is your path
  • what is offered… Rev Diana, guest speaker, workshops
  • you’re the creator, creatrix of your path
  • if what’s offered doesn’t serve – throw it in the “chuck it bucket”
  • now I’m guessing most of us here are on a spiritual path
  • many of us … meditation of a certain flavor
  • sitting still, no movement
  • detaching from things, thought, letting go
  • becoming one with great consciousness
  • meditation practices that call the feminine wisdoms are more embodied
  • they’re about movement, breath, sound, touch

Q:  if we feel into that… what might a more embodied meditation look like?

  • we did a grounding exercise a moment ago

Q: how many of you are still trying to hold that position?

Q: how does that feel in your body?

Q: Do you need to move?

Q: here’s your permission to feel into your body and shift

Q: get up, get cross legged, sit on the floor, stretch, yawn, roll your shoulders

  • all of these shifts and changes can be meditative movements
  • what do I need right now to sink into deeper connection with my body wisdom?

Q: what happens when we don’t move? When we hold ourselves the way we’ve told is the “right” way to hold ourselves?

  • contraction, pain, tightness, we collapse in on ourselves
  • look at my body language
  • contraction also stops the flow of love
  • our heart is shielded and blocked
  • let’s take this beyond posture in a chair on a Sunday morning

Q: Do we ever feel contracted in life? Shut down, blocked?

Q: what do we lose when we shut down in life

  • stopping the flow of love is excruciating to the feminine because its stopping life force from flowing
  • don’t judge the contraction – just don’t get stuck there
  • there’s wisdom there – it’s telling you something needs to change
  • liberate yourself into what the wisdom of your body is telling you
  • the feminine is all about staying the flow, moving through, around, over whatever is presenting itself is the most open way possible

Q: How would it feel if we were able to stay in the flow, allow energy to move through us, allow love to flow through us no matter what life throws at us?

  • Self-acceptance
  • free of reactivity
  • don’t need to control or numb out
  • freedom to take be creative in our responses
  • when we open to the feminine we learn to fall in love with all of life
  • allowing energy to anchor into the earth and out into relationship out into the world

Q:  so let’s feel even deeper into that – what might a more embodied meditation look like?

  • Anam cara
  • outside on windy day
  • dance
  • yoga example
  • swim in emotion, cry – scream – roar
  • lie face down on the earth
  • take a bath
  • hug a tree or animal
  • imagine yourself as the tree of life and sway
  • visualize yourself as a river and move your body in that flow
  • visualize yourself as a jelly fish
  • shake your body
  • lift weights
  • walk barefoot
  • tap your body
  • Meditation happens all the time
  • it’s just a matter of bringing intention to what’s happening in our lives
  • the feminine thrives in the mundane
  • ex: kitchen witch

[Q: what are some ways the mundane everyday life stuff can become a meditation?]

[Q: What do you think the ramifications might be if we stop repressing parts of the feminine? If we allowed the feminine free unbridled reign?  ]

  • We will look weird
  • this morning in Taizé is a way to connect deeply
  • if you weren’t here, maybe watch the recording
  • connect deeply into your feminine this coming week and get creative in the ways that you engage with her,
  • See how many different ways you can turn how you already move through in life… into practice.
  • And finally I encourage you to be in community. the feminine thrives in connection and community.

As we move toward the end of our time together I want to invite you center yourself once more, scan your body, where are the tightnesses you’ve allowed to creep in during our conversation…  Scooch around, maybe stretch, and then settle into your hips and seat and feet once more for a last visualization… you can keep your eyes open for this, if you like. Sense or imagine a golden light rising from the earth and enveloping you. Let the golden light hold you within its warmth as it shimmers with love, good will, and life force. The golden light is the divine feminine in all her aspects… Sit in her golden light and let her stimulate healing and liberation for you even now… let her attract all that you need even now…. Just let her love on you as you sit in her empowering, protective radiance… And now with a sharp inhale – suck – pull that light into your heart space. Feel and sense the divine feminine at home in your heart. That’s where she and all her wisdom lives. Trust that.

That’s it folks.

Love Offering

I invite you to join in the celebration of the work we are doing in the world by sharing of your financial Good, should you choose to.

If you are at home, you can go to to use our Donate Button or to find our mailing address.

We also have a Gracious Giving Program for those who would like to make a heartfelt monthly commitment of support so that we can more effectively budget and plan for our growth.

Gary – Offertory Music

  • Mother Take Us There, written by Jonas Magram

Chris – Blessing for the Offering

Chris – Invitations

  • Michael’s Book Club meets on Tuesdays – book is The Delight in
  • Being Ordinary by Roland Merullo.
  • Fast Track to Wellness meets on Thursdays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm. This powerful and supportive group is growing…come check it out.
  • Metaphysical Bible meets on Thursdays from 3-5 pm with Chris Johnson.

Looking Ahead…

  • Diana will be offering a new course of study based on the book Understanding World Religions, beginning Wednesday February 28th, from 10 am – 1 pm. More information can be found in your new bulletins…be sure to take one with you.
  • And reservations are coming in for our Spring Retreat at The Gathering Place at Shasta Lake. We are collecting your $100 non-refundable deposit to hold your space. We have 15-20 spots left, depending on sleeping arrangements. The reservations are first come, first served. The total cost per adult is $275. We are looking at the possibility of making it a family retreat that includes children, depending on age. Contact Rev. Diana with your questions and to reserve your spot.

There is more information available in the Bulletin…take one home with you. And check out our amazing website, compliments of Chris Johnson.

Information Cards for new people

Prayer Requests: I am available after service – We invite everyone to help us make a private space for prayer here in the Sanctuary by joining us next door for lunch

Gary – Closing Song

  • Love Be With You, written by Lainey Bernstein, RScP, & Gary Lynn Floyd


©2024 Mystic Heart Spiritual Center, All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted to duplicate for non-commercial educational use only.
All rights to music performed remain with the copyright owners.
Diana Johnson’s music is © by Barefoot Angel Publishing, ASCAP.
Chris Johnson’s music is © by SeaJay Music & Publishing, ASCAP.

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